Trauma and Complex PTSD

For some of us, trauma and C-PTSD are a reality of life. It can leave us with an overwhelming sense that life is chaotic and unpredictable. It can come with a whole host of other emotions: sadness, anger, hopelessness, anxiety. But it doesn’t have to overshadow your life and exhaust you anymore.


Relationship Issues

Romantic relationships can be tough at times as we navigate life with a partner or partners. Sometimes communication can be an issue. Sometimes one or more partners aren’t getting what they need. We often put up with unhealthy relationships because we feel it’s better than being alone, but life is too short to tolerate an unhealthy romantic relationship.


Anxiety and depression are often different sides of the same coin. Our brains work hard to keep us safe, but sometimes the messages they give us aren’t helpful anymore. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed by them or let them drive your life. You can take control of your life back.



Losses can come in all different forms. Often when we experience a loss, we feel like we’re losing a piece of ourselves and a piece of our history. We feel like the pain might last forever. When you experience a loss, connection with others can help. I can help support you in this time and help you adjust to life going forward when you’re ready.

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“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars. . .”

- Jack Kerouac


Infertility can mean heartbreak, disbelief, a loss that no one else sees, and isolation from those who don’t understand. If you’re experiencing infertility issues, I can help. I’ve been through my own infertility journey and I understand the constant ups and downs, as we embrace hope and face disappointment. I can support you and help you feel less isolated and alone.


Family Issues

Families can be complex. We’re taught that families should be a source of unconditional support, but what if they aren’t? It can be hard to give up hope that they’ll ever be who you need them to be. If you’re struggling with relationships with family members, please reach out.

Work Stress

The pandemic lockdown has changed the way that work is viewed now and the meaning we place on it in our lives. Sometimes we need something more than what our employer is willing to give. Sometimes we need help and support in finding the next right thing for us. I have 20 years’ experience in HR and I can support you in your search.


Life Transitions

Life is full of transitions. It can feel like every time we blink the universe is sending something new our way. Change can be hard, even when it’s a good change. We may need some additional coping skills during a transition. Therapy can help you explore what the change means for you and ways to incorporate it into your life.